The PS11 School Wellness Council (SWC) represents a group of parents/caregivers and community members who work together with the school administration to promote a healthy school community. SWC provides information and implements programs on a wide range of issues including promoting physical activity and mental health, encouraging healthy eating habits, maintaining the school garden and promoting environmental activism as well as fostering diversity and inclusion at PS11.

Some of the activities our SWC help to curate include:

  • Monthly Garden Green-ups and made much-needed improvements to the garden infrastructure. 

  • Partnered with OneLove Community Fridge to host a successful food drive and packaged food at a Family Day of Service in the spring. 

  • Partners in Parenting workshop series with the Ackerman Institute

  • Get Off Your Apps family night that included games, sports and other fun activities, along with healthy cooking demonstration. 


The PS 11 has a beautiful, bountiful green space and while the recent construction on our school building temporarily created a bit of a secret garden, that didn't stop our growth!  In the last year our garden has expanded to include 4 fruit trees, 11 raised beds, 3 sheds, and irrigation throughout. We have 8 large tables and a grassy reading area/classroom where students can learn with our incredible garden instructor Farmer Kayra who helps children understand and appreciate the food cycle while pollinating (and tasting!) all kinds of fruits and vegetables! On school community days, SWC host garden art events, creating treasures to take home such as decorating upcycled milk cartons planters filled with herb seedlings.